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  • Warren Buffett and Lorre White in Omaha


  • Lorre White is a member of several private invitatition only networks like A Small World, SQUA.RE, Total Prestige, Qube, eVelvet Rope, Diane Fey, LStyle, EuroCircle, Internations, Global Urbanities, Hampton undercover, and other.....

Luxury Marketing Advice

  • "If a luxury brand asks whether they should spend scarce funds on opening another store, launching a print advertising campaign, or investing in a great website and online advertising, the Internet wins every time as the fastest, cheapest, and most effective way to leverage a luxury brand in today's global marketplace". CEO Milton Pedraza, The Oct issue Wealth Report by the Luxury Index


  • Lorre shopping at the foot of the Spanish Steps in Rome


  • Lorre on her way to a party in Monaco

About the Luxury Channel

  • The Luxury Channel video podcasts offers sponsors a sophisticated web media reach for elite brands to reach a wealthy demographic world wide by a respected luxury expert. This allows these brands to benefit from the most powerful and fastest growing media source, the web. Americans use the internet to shop twice as much as the average individual. People spend more time on the web then in front of the TV. A recent study done by The Luxury Institute found that Luxury consumers were disappointed in the weakness of luxury brands to meet their on line needs. Luxury brands were slow to enter fearing affiliation with the mass marketers and an inability to supply “the luxury experience”. The purpose of The Luxury Channel is to bring a luxury venue to the web where elite brands can have an appropriate environment to share their product knowledge and services in a sophisticated global reach. By all the brands sharing one venue it saves companies millions of dollars by having to establish their own channel from scratch and creating and producing content and paying to market their channel against all the other thousands of luxury brand’s channels. Any commercial agency can create a product video for a company, but with The Luxury Guru you get the video and a way to distribute it internationally.


  • Lorre toasts US Basketball Olympic teammember Grant Hill at their gold medal awards ceremony afterparty

About Lorre White

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« Five Strategies for Chasing UHNW Unicorns | Main | The luxury goods market to return to growth in 2017 »

January 19, 2017


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7 Ways To Interact With Lorre

Here's what they are saying...

  • "It is impossible to overdo luxury. Give us the luxuries of life, and we will dispense with its necessaries. Easy to say, hard to be able to do unless you know the Guru of Luxury, Lorre White. I have traveled to many countries with Lorre and she really knows luxury. When she is not around me, I always watching Lorre’s videos and I read Lorre’s blog to keep up on what is new in the luxury market." Princess Victoria London

    "Lorre White is a great expert source for luxury knowledge and insights. She is also a great connector in the luxury industry." Milton Pedraza, CEO, Luxury Institute, LLC The Wealth Report

    "Lorre's take on the Luxury market is refreshing and frankly very much needed. Her stance on luxury as a "quality of life" vs. gluttonous amassing of quantity couldn't possibly be a timelier message given the times we live in." Michael, eVelvet Rope media, owner

    "Lorre is ground breaking and creative and brings a unique and much needed luxury reach to the web with her timely Luxury Channel on iTunes & her LuxGuru blog. Now anyone in the world can watch." Peter M. Deeb, Chairman, Hampton & Cie SA (Suisse)

    "I love working with Lorre, as she is truly unique expert in her field. She has a vast experience of luxury market and a very impressive international network. She knows the best luxuries by living her life in luxury." Mervi Sippola, Luxury Consultant, Monaco

    "I have been a client of Lorre and White Light Consulting about the US expansion plans for Flow, an endurance drink for golfers. I am always impressed with her marketing ideas, professionalism and amazing international contacts." Marko Sjoblom , Flow Owner, Finland/Monaco


  • Lorre White and Vogue Magazine's Editor-at-Large, Andre Leon Talley


  • Lorre with her friends at the Metropolitan Ball in New York City

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  • The Luxury Index
    The Luxury Index - Property, Automotive, Nautical, Aviation, an Personal Services.
  • Flowdrinks - drink for golfers
    Feather FLOW™ is a special, natural and totally new invention in the sport drink premium category.